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Chapter 5: Navigate the Web Configurator
Destination IP Filtering
Figure 5-17. Destination IP Filtering screen.
You may create and activate a rule that filters a packet based on the destination IP address to restrict the local computers from
accessing certain websites. Check “Enable Destination IP Filtering” to activate rule.
Destination IP Address: Enter the IP address to be restricted.
Comment: Make comments to record your filtering rule.
Click Apply and the IP address will be added in the list. To delete the IP address from filtering, click Select checkbox of the
designated destination IP address and click the Delete Selected button. You may delete all the IP addresses in the list by clicking
Delete All.
Source Port Filtering
Figure 5-18. Source Port Filtering screen.
You may create and activate a rule that filters a packet based on the source port from your local network to Internet. Check
“Enable Source Port Filtering” to activate rule.
Port Range: Enter the port range you would like to restrict.
Protocol: Select port protocol: Both, TCP, UDP.