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Chapter 5: Navigate the Web Configurator
You can reboot your Wireless Ethernet Extender from the “Configuration File” screen in “Management” as shown next:
Click “Reboot” and click “Yes” when the prompt appears to start reboot process. This takes a few minutes.
Figure 5-73. Configuration File screen, Reboot the device option.
Remote Management
TheWireless Ethernet Extender provides a variety of remote management, including Telnet, SNMP, FTP, SSH, HTTPS and exclusive
WISE tool, making configuration more convenient and secure.
SNMP Management
The Wireless Ethernet Extender supports SNMP for convenient remote management. Open the “SNMP Settings” screen in
“Management” shown next. Set the SNMP parameters and obtain MIB file before remote management.
Figure 5-74. SNMP Settings screen.
Protocol Version: Select the SNMP version, and keep it identical on the IEEE 802.11n VAC Access Point and the SNMP manager.
The Wireless Ethernet Extender supports SNMP v2/v3.
Server Port: Change the server port for a service if needed; however, you have to use the same port to use that service for remote