X90 mobile modules
X90 mobile system User's manual V 1.20 - Translation of the original manual Automation Runtime support
Automation Runtime also prepares some of the characteristic values calculated by the module for the user.
To ensure error-free evaluation, it is important to observe the maximum cycle time.
The module streams the characteristic values it calculates every 300 ms via Flatstream. If the streamed
data is not collected by the next transfer, the measured characteristic values are lost.
Other features provided by Automation Runtime support:
: The module always expects a value in 0.01 Hz resolution on these data points. Automation
Runtime support allows the user to specify can state the current speed directly in Hz.
The analog input is automatically scaled to the sensor resolution and with the defined
AnalogInputScale. It is then made available to the user in mg. This scaling does not apply to the
factor" on page 175
since it is a non-dimensional value.
Characteristic values and frequency bands:
All characteristic values and frequency bands calculated
by the module are flat and can be connected directly in the I/O mapping. They are already scaled to the
correct sensor resolution and will be displayed in mg or mm/s or as non-dimensional values (kurtosis, crest
factor, skewness and Vdi3832) depending on the characteristic value.
Additional characteristic values:
In addition to the characteristic values calculated by the module, the
following characteristic values are also provided automatically via Automation Runtime:
Requires PeakRawRef and RmsRawRef as reference values and outputs the
reference values used in the calculation to PeakRawRefCalculated and RmsRawRefCalculated.
Ratio of the absolute maximum to the RMS value (
"Crest factor"
on page 175
) of the high-pass filtered input signal. (
"PeakHighFrequency" on page 171
"RmsHighFrequency" on page 173
Requires PeakHighFrequencyRef and RmsHighFrequencyRef
as reference values and outputs the reference values used in the calculated to PeakHighFrequen-
cyRefCalculated and RmsHighFrequencyRefCalculated. DataConsistentWithLockedBuffers
If the data buffers on the module are locked to prevent uploading, this bit is used to indicate the time at which all
characteristic values and frequency bands are consistent with the locked buffers on the module.
Data type
0 or 1 DataToggleBit
This bit changes its value whenever new characteristic values are loaded from the module and updated (approx-
imately every 300 ms).
Data type
0 or 1