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The “Maximum Valid Signal” is set to its maximum value (40) to prevent saturation and the
“Minimum Valid Signal” is set (25) to avoid false locking of the receiver. The values in the
example are those commonly used. We are now ready to configure our Target profile.
Remember to save all changes.
5.10.2 – Update Target Profile
Our Target as mentioned before is 83W, using RSL. Update the 83W RSL profile as follows:
Figure 5.10.2 – Reference Satellite Selection
Notice in figure 5.10.2 that we have renamed (or added) the 83W profile with the same target
and “RSL” acquisition sources. In the Target tab however, we have enabled Reference Satellite
Mode and selected our DBS reference profile for Reference profiles 1 & 2. Here, the choice to
use the profile for reference 2 is arbitrary and may serve as redundancy. Should Reference
profile 1 fail, the system will then go to the second profile. Any profile (reference or
otherwise) created may be used for either reference 1 or 2. It is recommended to use two
different profiles created from 61.5W, 101W, 110W or 119W within the CONUS. Remember to
save any changes.
Once the system is commanded to acquire, the profile name will show the Reference profile
name from deployment until the Reference has locked and the antenna heading has updated.
The profile name will then return to the target profile for final acquisition. See Appendix H for
additional information about the AvL DvB receiver.