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Chapter 3 - GUI Installation, Set-up & Network Configuration
This chapter describes the GUI “Graphical User Interface” installation and set-up as well as, how
to configure the AAQ controller to communicate and function within a network of Ethernet
devices. The available networking options on the AAQ controller are to ensure that the antenna
controller is able to properly communicate with both clients (computers, mobile devices, CIP
interfaces, etc.) and required devices (modem, beacon receiver, GPS device, etc.).
3.1 Requirements
Operating System:
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 8.1
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows XP (with appropriate service packs, updates, framework
and settings)
.Net Framework:
.Net Framework 3.5 or greater
Important Note - Uninstall any previous version
If a previous version of the AAQ Remote is installed on your system, always remove it before installing a
newer version of the application.
Using Windows 8 or greater, select;
Main Window → Start → Settings Button
Search “programs and features” in the search dialogue box
Using Windows 7, Vista, or XP, select;
Main Window → Start → Control Panel
Programs ->Programs and Features