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The Lock tool opens a window that keeps all other windows from being used. This is meant as a
preventative measure to keep stray keystrokes or mouse presses from unintentional actions, such as
moving the antenna during communication. Once the window is closed the application returns to
normal use.
The Exit command closes the application and all of its windows.
4.4 View Menu
4.4.1 Sensor Output
Main Window → View → Sensor Output
Level 0
Figure 4.4.1 - Sensor Output Window
To view the list of sensor output variables left-click the View button on the File Bar and select “Sensor
Output”. This brings up the Sensor Output Window which contains all of the output variables. To view
an output variable simply check the variable and request updates on that variable. Variables that are
available will depend on the user level. The search window allows quick location of a desired item