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Press the green “+” sign to add a secondary (or tertiary) “Acquisition Source”.
Then, use the dropdown to select the device for scan, coarse & fine peaking. For simple redundancy,
it is recommended to duplicate the settings from the Primary Source as shown in figure
Once the Secondary Source is saved to your Profile, it will function during each acquisition if needed.
To remove a redundant source, select “None” for all three Secondary Sources. Upon saving, the
sequence will no longer be shown when the window is open.
5.9.8 Adjusting RSL Threshold
We will assume for this example that the Satellite information will be the same as previously discussed
although we will be using the RSL power detector as our Acquisition Source. This new satellite however,
has shown itself to be in a position of higher background noise (low elevation angle). This is bringing the
noise level at the detector too close to its minimum threshold for lock detection. We will therefore
adjust a parameter based on actual measurement:
-RSL Minimum Lock Threshold (under Core parameters for level 4, see figure 5.9.8b below)
RSL Minimum lock Threshold is defined as the minimum signal level needed to detect with RSL as
the signal device.
As the antenna scans for the first indication of satellite signal power, this parameter is used to
determine that the satellite has been approximately reached and that peaking can begin. If noise levels
in the vicinity of the target are high, this threshold may be tripped early and cause the antenna to begin
peaking sequence when off satellite. To get a better understanding of this relationship, bring up the
“Sensor Output” window.
Main Window → View → Sensor Output
Level 1