Figure 4-2
Remote Interface Operation
From your PC terminal, use the following command to specify the filter
DETector:BANDwidth {3|20|200|MIN|MAX} Digital Filter
ATM3500A uses an averaging digital filter to yield a reading for display
from a specified number of measurement readings in the past.
Treading conversions The past measurement readings k of memory.
The number may be in the range of 2 to 100. You may select one of
the two modes of digital filter operations:User can select the averaging
mode from Moving Average and Repeating Ave
The moving average filter puts the specified number of reading
conversions in a first-in, first-out order. The very first measurement
reading simply fills up the stack. To yield a reading for display, the
filter produces an average of the stacked measurement readings co the
new readw measurement reading is available and replaces . Because
the newesren the stack., after the specifiaverage mode, the multimeter
waits for the measurement reading stack to fill up and then take an