The READ? Command
The READ? Command changes the state of the trigger system from the
“idle” state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. When the specified trigger
condition requirements are met after the multimeter receives the
READ? command, the measurement will be initiated. The results are
sent to the output buffer right away. You must enter the reading data
into your bus controller or the multimeter will stop making
measurements when the output buffer fills. Readings are not stored in
the multimeter’s internal memory when using the READ? Command.
Using the READ? Command has a similar effect as using the INITiate
command followed immediately by the FETCh? command, except
readings are not buffered internally.
The INITiate and FETCh? Commands
These two commands provide the lowest level of control of
measurement triggering and reading retrieval, but offer the most
flexibility. After you have configured the multimeter, use INITiate
command to change the state of the triggering system from the “idle”
state to the “wait-for-trigger” state. The multimeter will start the
measurements when the specified trigger condition requirements are
met after it receives the INITiate command. The results are sent to the
internal memory and stored until you are ready to read them.
The FETCh? command sends the data in the multimeter’s internal
memory to the output buffer where you can read them into your bus
The SENSe Commands
NOTE: Default parameters are shown in
bold italic
FUNCtion “VOLTage:DC”