IP Routing Configuration Example
Setting up IP routing in the Configure menu
Preliminary January 30, 1998
Pipeline Start Here Guide
connection, so if you need to disconnect another device, you can
reconnect it as soon as the Pipeline configuration is saved. Future access
can be via Telnet over the Ethernet connection.
Use a high-speed serial cable (sometimes called a modem cable, but not a
null modem cable) and connect one end to the available COM port, and the
other end to the Terminal port on the back of the Pipeline. You might need to
use the DB9-to-DB25 cable adapter that came with the Pipeline.
After making the serial connection, open the HyperTerminal program and
enter any name for the connection.
In the Phone Number dialog, use the drop-down list from the “Connect
using:” field and click on “direct to COM n”, selecting the port connected to
the Pipeline.
Click OK and fill in the COM Properties window. The settings to use are
Bits per second 9600, Data bits 8, Parity None, Stop bits 1, and Flow control
Click OK.
You should now see the on-board software’s Main Edit Menu. Press Ctrl-L to
reload or refresh the screen. The part of the screen you use to configure the
Pipeline is on the left and looks like this:
Main Edit Menu
00-000 System
20-000 Ethernet
30-000 Serial WAN
40-000 Dual POTS
To navigate the menu system:
Use the up and down arrow keys or Ctrl-N or Ctrl-P to navigate up and down
through the menus.
Press Enter to cycle through preset values for any parameter, or press enter to
open an input field.
Press Enter or move to the next field to make a selection or keep an entry.
Press the Esc key to exit a menu. You will always have the choice to save or
discard your changes before exiting.