Using the On-board Software
Menus and status windows
Preliminary January 30, 1998
Pipeline Start Here Guide
To navigate the menu system:
Use the up and down arrow keys or Ctrl-N or Ctrl-P to navigate up and down
through the menus. A “^” and “v” at end of the line at the top and bottom of
a menu or status window listing indicates more lines are present above and
Press Enter to cycle through preset values for any parameter, or press enter to
open an input field.
Press Enter or move to the next field to make a selection or keep an entry.
Press the Esc key to exit a menu. You will always have the choice of saving
or discarding your changes before exiting.
Finding information in the menus
The Main Edit Menu occupies the left part of the screen. It contains a hierarchy
of submenus as shown in the following table:
Table 5-1. The Main Edit Menu structure
Basic settings to quickly set up a connection.
Sys Config
Contains remote management settings and others.
Sys Diag
Used to save and restore configuration files.
Used to set up access privileges on the unit.
Incoming and outgoing connection profiles.
Bridge Adrs
Matches MAC and IP addresses for a bridge table.
Static Rtes
If used, specifies a static gateway.
Where you define all your call and data filters.
Frame Relay
Defines the Frame Relay service settings (if used).
Where you specify incoming call instructions.