Using the On-board Software
Establishing a Telnet connection
Preliminary January 30, 1998
Pipeline Start Here Guide
Using a communications program (such as HyperTerm, Terminal, Zterm, or
any program that supports VT100 terminal emulation), open a session
directly with the COM port to which the Pipeline is connected.
Set your communications software to connect with these settings:
9600 bits per second
Data bits 8
Parity none
Stop bits 1
Flow control off
You should now see the on-board software’s Main Edit Menu. Press Ctrl-L to
reload or refresh the screen. The part of the screen you use to configure the
Pipeline is on the left and looks like this:
Main Edit Menu
00-000 System
20-000 Ethernet
30-000 Serial WAN
40-000 Dual POTS
Establishing a Telnet connection
You can establish a Telnet session with the Pipeline as soon as it has been
assigned an IP address. Telnet uses the Ethernet connection from your computer
to reach the Pipeline. To open a Telnet connection, do the following:
Open your Telnet application, or enter
from the Run menu.
Open the connection by specifying the value of My Name or My Addr to
identify the Pipeline. (My Name is the name of the Pipeline, and is also the
account name you use to sign onto a remote service. My Addr is the IP
address of the Pipeline.)
For example, to open a Telnet session, enter: