Using the On-board Software
Entering a basic configuration
Pipeline Start Here Guide
Preliminary January 30, 1998
If you are setting up a Frame Relay connection, complete the configuration by
following the instructions in “Additional Frame Relay settings” on page 5-12.
Setting up Network Address Translation (NAT)
Enable NAT when you need to obtain an IP address dynamically when logging
onto the remote network. To set up NAT, do the following:
From the Main Edit Menu, open Ethernet > NAT > NAT menu.
Enable NAT by setting Routing to Yes.
Specify the Connection profile to dial when NAT is enabled.
Open Ethernet > Connections. The first profile has the name you assigned to
“Rem Name,” which is the name of the Connection profile to specify.
You can use the default settings in most cases. Information on how to set up
NAT in various scenarios is described in the chapter on IP address
management in the User’s Guide.
See the User’s Guide for information about how to configure NAT
with Frame Relay.
Exit (Esc) and accept the changes.
Additional IPX settings
To complete an IPX configuration, do the following:
Open the Ethernet > Mod Config > Ether options submenu.
A menu similar to the following appears:
Ether options...
IP Adrs=
2nd Adrs=
RIP=Both v-1
Ignore Def Rt=Yes
Proxy Mode=Always
IPX Frame=802.2
IPX Enet#=00000000