Basic Configuration Settings
Routing information
Pipeline Start Here Guide
Preliminary January 30, 1998
IPX routing information
If you will be routing to an IPX network, your network administrator will supply
the information you need to fill in the following table:
AppleTalk routing
You can obtain a special version of the Pipeline software that enables AppleTalk
routing. For information about the capabilities of the software, limitations, and
how to configure it, contact the Ascend Technical Assistance Center.
Bridged connections
If you need to move data that is not IP, IPX, or AppleTalk, you need to enable
bridging. Bridging causes your local network to look like it is part of the larger
network you dial into. You should only bridge to a corporate LAN, with
assistance from the administrator of that LAN. You should never bridge to the
Internet. For information about how to set up your Pipeline as a bridge, see the
User’s Guide.
Table 3-6. Remote IPX network settings checklist
Remote IPX network information
Your settings
IPX Frame
IPX Enet#
(not prompted for in QuickStart)
IPX SAP Proxy Net#
(not prompted for in QuickStart)
Dial Query
(not prompted for in QuickStart)