1. Special Precautions
Do not put your hands between the electrodes
When welding, keep your fingers and hands away from the electrodes.
Do not touch any welded part or electrodes during welding and just after
welding finished
The welded part of a workpiece, electrodes and arm are very hot.
Do not touch them; otherwise you may be burnt.
Ground this Power Supply
If the Power Supply is not grounded, you may get an electric shock when fault
occurs, or electricity leaks.
Apply Single-Phase, 200/220/230/240/380/400/460/480 V AC power supply
Application of a voltage out of the specified range can cause fire and electric
Connect the specified cables securely
Cables of insufficient current capacities and loose connections can cause fire
and electric shock.
Do not damage the power cable and connecting cables
Do not tread on, twist or tense any cable. The power cable and connecting
cables may be broken, and that can cause electric shock and fire. If any part
needs to be repaired or replaced, consult us or your distributor.
Stop the operation if any trouble occurs
Continuous operation after occurrence of a trouble such as burning smell,
abnormal sound, abnormal heat, smoke, etc. can cause electric shock and fire.
If such a trouble occurs, immediately consult us or your distributor.
Persons with pacemakers must stay clear of the welding machine
A person who uses a pacemaker must not approach the welding machine or
walk around the welding shop while the welding machine is in operation, without
being permitted by his/her doctor. The welding machine generates a magnetic
field and has effects on the operation of the pacemaker while it is turned on.
Protective gear must be worn
Put on protective gear such as protective gloves, long-sleeve jacket, leather
apron, etc. Surface flash and expulsion can burn the skin if they touch the skin.
Wear protective glasses
If you look at the surface flash and expulsion directly during welding, your eyes
may be damaged. If any surface flash and expulsion gets in your eyes, you may
lose your eyesight.