Shows your current speed given by the GPS receiver.
Shows the speed limit of the current road if the map
contains it.
Default data fields when navigating a route (tap any of the fields to change
its value):
Shows the distance you need to travel on the route
before reaching your final destination.
Shows the time needed to reach the final destination of
the route based on information available for the
remaining segments of the route.
If your device is capable of receiving live traffic
information, the calculation takes into account traffic
delays affecting your route if they are received.
However, this calculation is rarely accurate.
Historical traffic data can also be taken into account if
data is available.
There are three map view modes. Tap the button below the data fields to
change the view:
: 3D perspective view rotated in your direction of travel.
: 2D top-down view facing North.
: 2D top-down view rotated in your direction of travel.
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