Administrator’s Guide for Akuvox SP-R5xP IP Phones
Akuvox Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Akuvox network Co., Ltd..
#Account5 Configuration
#Enable or disable the account, 0:Disabled(default); 1:Enabled;
;Config.Account5.General.Enable =
#Configure the account label which will display on the LCD screen;
;Config.Account5.General.Label =
#Configure the display name of account;
;Config.Account5.General.DisplayName =
#Configure the register user name of account;
;Config.Account5.General.Username =
#Configure the user and password for register authentication;
;Config.Account5.General.AuthName =
;Config.Account5.General.Pwd =
#Configure the SIP server address and port of account;
;Config.Account5.Sip.Server =
;Config.Account5.Sip.Port =
;Config.Account5.Sip.Server2 =
;Config.Account5.Sip.Port2 =
#Configure the transport type; 0:UDP(Default); 1:TCP; 2:TLS;
;Config.Account5.Sip.TransType = 0
#Configure the Listen Port;
;Config.Account5.Sip.ListenPort =
#Enable or Disable the outbound proxy server;
;Config.Account5.OutProxy.Enable =
#Configure the IP address/domain of the outbound proxy server and the server port;
;Config.Account5.OutProxy.Server =
;Config.Account5.OutProxy.Port =
#Configure the backup outbound proxy server address and port;
;Config.Account5.OutProxy.BakServer =
;Config.Account5.OutProxy.BakPort =