Administrator’s Guide for Akuvox SP-R5xP IP Phones
Akuvox Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Akuvox network Co., Ltd..
#Configure the DHCP custom option;
;Config.Autoprovision.Dhcp_Option.CustomId =
#Network Configuration
#Configure the LAN port type; 0:DHCP(default); 1:PPPoE; 2:Static IP;
;Config.Network.Lan.Type = 0
#Configure the Static IP address,mask,gateway and DNS server;
;Config.Network.Lan.StaticIP =
;Config.Network.Lan.SubnetMask =
;Config.Network.Lan.DefaultGateway =
;Config.Network.Lan.PrimaryDNS =
;Config.Network.Lan.SecondaryDNS =
#Configure the username and password for PPPOE connection;
;Config.Network.Pppoe.User =
;Config.Network.Pppoe.Pwd =
#Enable or disable the LAN port VLAN; 0:Disabled(default); 1:Enabled;
;Config.Network.Vlan.LanVlanEnable = 0
#Configure the LAN port VLAN ID, ranges from 0 to 4094, (0 by default);
;Config.Network.Vlan.LanVid = 0
#Configure the LAN port VLAN priority, ranges from 0 to 7,(0 by default);
;Config.Network.Vlan.LanPriority = 0
#Enable or disable the PC port VLAN; 0:Disabled(default); 1:Enabled;
;Config.Network.Vlan.PcVlanEnable = 0
#Configure the LAN port PC ID, ranges from 0 to 4094, (0 by default);
;Config.Network.Vlan.PcVid = 0
#Configure the LAN port PC priority, ranges from 0 to 7,(0 by default);
;Config.Network.Vlan.PcPriority = 0
#Enable or disable the SNMP feature; 0:Disabled(default); 1:Enabled
;Config.Network.Snmp.Enable = 0
#Configure the SNMP port
;Config.Network.Snmp.Port =