Administrator’s Guide for Akuvox SP-R5xP IP Phones
Akuvox Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Akuvox network Co., Ltd..
;Config.Programable.DssKey09.Type =
;Config.Programable.DssKey09.Param1 =
;Config.Programable.DssKey09.Param2 =
;Config.Programable.DssKey09.Param3 =
;Config.Programable.DssKey10.Type =
;Config.Programable.DssKey10.Param1 =
;Config.Programable.DssKey10.Param2 =
;Config.Programable.DssKey10.Param3 =
#Voice Configuration
#Enable or disable the phone to detect the silence, 0-Disbaled (default),1-Enabled;
;Config.Voice.General.VAD = 0
#Enable or disable the phone to generate comfortable noise, 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled;
;Config.Voice.General.CNG = 1
#Configure the side tone,the value ranges from-32768 to -3; the default value is -32768;
;Config.Voice.General.SideTone = -32768
#Enable or disable the phone to cancel echo, 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
;Config.Voice.General.EchoCanceller = 1
#Enable or disable jitter buffer, 0-Disabled, 1-Enabled (default);
;Config.Voice.Jitter.Enable = 1
#Configure the type of jitter buffer, 0-Fixed, 1-Adaptive (default);
;Config.Voice.Jitter.Adaptive = 1
#Configure the minimum delay(0 by default), maximum delay(300 by default) and normal delay
(120 by default);
;Config.Voice.Jitter.Min = 0
;Config.Voice.Jitter.Max = 300
;Config.Voice.Jitter.Nominal = 120
#Configure the type of voice tone; 0:Custom; 1:Default; 2:China; 3:Spain; 4:Luxembourg;
5:Sweden; 6:Taiwan; 7:Belgium; 8:Denmark; 9:Finland; 10:Germany; 11:Netherlands; 12:Norways;
;Config.Voice.Tone.Country = 1
;Config.Voice.RTCP.Enable =
;Config.Voice.RTCP.Interval =