Administrator’s Guide for Akuvox SP-R5xP IP Phones
Akuvox Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Akuvox network Co., Ltd..
;Config.Ldap.Ldap.MaxHits = 50
#Configure the search attribute for name and number lookups;
;Config.Ldap.Ldap.NameAttr =
;Config.Ldap.Ldap.NumberAttr =
;Config.Ldap.Ldap.DisplayName =
#Conifugre the search delay time,ranges from 0 to 2000, (in milliseconds, 0 by default);
;Config.Ldap.Ldap.SearchDelay = 0
#Area Code Configuration
#Configure the area code;
;Config.AreaCode.General.Code =
;Config.AreaCode.General.MaxLen =
;Config.AreaCode.General.MinLen =
#Configure the line of area code; the valid value is: 0(default), 1, 2, 3; 0 is for auto;
;Config.AreaCode.General.Account = 0
#Phone Features Configuration
#Enable or disable the call waiting feature; 0:Disabled; 1:Enabled(default);
;Config.Features.Call_Waiting.Enable = 1
#Configure the phone to play warning tone when receiving an incoming call during an active call;
0:Disabled; 1:Enabled(default);
;Config.Features.Call_Waiting.PlayTone = 1
#Enable or disable the hotline feature; 0:Disabled(default); 1:Enabled;
;Config.Features.Hotline.Enable = 0
#Configure the hotline number and delay time;
;Config.Features.Hotline.Number =
;Config.Features.Hotline.Delay = 4
#Enable or disable the DND feature; 0:Disabled(default); 1:Enabled;
;Config.Features.DND.Enable = 0
#Configure On or off Code for DND;
;Config.Features.DND.OnCode =
;Config.Features.DND.OffCode =