Administrator’s Guide for Akuvox SP-R5xP IP Phones
Akuvox Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Akuvox network Co., Ltd..
Outgoing Call
When the IP phone makes a outgoing call.
When the IP phone establishes a call.
When the IP phone terminates a call.
Open DND
When the IP phone terminates a call.
Close DND
When the IP phone disables the DND mode.
Open Always Forward
When the IP phone enables the always forward.
Close Always Forward
When the IP phone disables the always forward.
Open Busy Forward
When the IP phone enables the busy forward.
Close Busy Forward
When the IP phone disables the busy forward.
Open No Answer Forward
When the IP phone disables the busy forward.
Close No Answer Forward
When the IP phone disables the no answer forward.
Transfer Call
When the IP phone transfers a call.
Blind Transfer
When the IP phone blind transfers a call.
Attended Transfer
When the IP phone performs the semi-attended/attended
When the IP phone places a call on hold.
When the IP phone retrieves a hold call.
When the IP phone mutes a call.
When the IP phone un-mutes a call.
Missed Call
When the IP phone misses a call.
IP Changed
When the IP address of the IP phone changes.
Forward Incoming Call
When the IP phone forwards an incoming call.
Reject Incoming Call
When the IP phone rejects an incoming call.
Answer New-In Call
When the IP phone answers a new call.
Transfer Finished
When the IP phone completes to transfer a call.
Transfer Failed
When the IP phone fails to transfer a call.
Idle To Busy
When the state of the IP phone changes from idle to
Busy To Idle
When the state of phone changes from busy to idle.
An HTTP or HTTPS GET request may contain variable name and variable value, separated by “=”.
Each variable value starts with $ in the query part of the URL. The valid URL format is:
http(s)://IP address of server/help.xml?variable name=$variable.
Variable name can be customized by users, while the variable value is pre-defined. For example,
a URL“$mac” is specified for the event Mute, $mac will be
dynamically replaced with the MAC address of the IP phone when the IP phone mutes a call.