Administrator’s Guide for Akuvox SP-R5xP IP Phones
Akuvox Proprietary and Confidential. Copyright © 2014 Akuvox network Co., Ltd..
Replace rule can be created locally.
Web User Interface
Create the replace rule for the IP phone.
Navigate to:
To create a replace rule via web user interface:
1. Click on Phone > Dial Plan
2. On Rules, select Replace Rule
3. Click on Add
4. On Rules Modify, select the desired account from the pull-down list of Account
5. Enter the string in the Prefix field
6. Enter the string in the Replace field
7. Click on Submit to accept the change
Dial now
Dial-now is a string used to match numbers entered by the user. When entered numbers
match the predefined dial-now rule, the IP phone will automatically dial out the numbers
without pressing the send key.
Delay Time for Dialnow Rule
The IP phone will automatically dial out the entered number, which matches the dial-now rule,
after a specified period of time.