Calibration Errors
712 Self-calibration failed; Chan n, null DAC cal zero too low (too high), <
Self-calibration failed; Chan n, offset DAC cal with attenuator zero too low (too high), <
Self-calibration failed; Chan n, offset DAC cal no attenuator zero too low (too high), <
Self-calibration failed; Chan n, GND measurement out of limits, <
Computed zero calibration factor for specified DAC was out of limits. Self-calibration exited without changing self-cal-
ibration constants. Run self-test to diagnose problem.
715 Self-calibration failed; Chan n, null DAC cal, convergence error sub attenuator value dB
Internal null DAC calibration failed to converge during internal calibration. Self-calibration exited without changing self-
calibration constants. Run self-test to diagnose problem.
720 Self-calibration failed; Chan n, offset DAC cal with attenuator, convergence error
Self-calibration failed; Chan n, offset DAC cal no attenuator, convergence error
Internal offset DAC calibration failed to converge internal calibration. Self-calibration exited without changing self-cal-
ibration constants. Run self-test to diagnose problem.
850 Calibration error; set up is invalid
Invalid calibration setup number selected.
850 Calibration error; set up is out of order
Certain calibration steps require a specific beginning and ending. Do not enter into middle of a calibration sequence.
Agilent 33500 Series Operating and Service Guide