SCPI Error Messages
SCPI Error Messages
The instrument returns error messages in accord with the SCPI standard.
Up to 20 errors can be stored in each interface-specific error queue (one each for GPIB, USB, VXI-11, and Tel-
net/Sockets.) Errors appear in the error queue of the I/O session that caused the error.
The instrument beeps once each time a command syntax or hardware error is generated. The front-panel
annunciator turns on when one or more errors are in the error queue.
A special global error queue holds all power-on and hardware-related errors (for example, over-temperature).
Error retrieval is first-in-first-out (FIFO), and errors are cleared as you read them. Once you have read all interface-
specific errors, the errors in the global error queue are retrieved. When you have read all errors from the global
error queue, the
annunciator turns off.
If more than 20 errors have occurred, the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced with -
350,"Error queue overflow". No additional errors are stored until you remove errors from the queue. If no errors
have occurred when you read the error queue, the instrument responds with +0,"No error".
The front panel reports errors from all I/O sessions and the global error queue. To read the error queue from the
front panel, press the
button, then the
softkey. Then select "View remote command error queue" in
the Help menu.
Error conditions are also summarized in the Status Byte Register. See
for details
The interface-specific error queues are cleared by power cycles and
. The error queue is not cleared by
Read and clear one error from the queue
Errors have the following format (the error string may contain up to 255 characters):
-113,"Undefined header"
-315 Configuration memory lost; due to firmware revision change
-315 Configuration memory lost; memory corruption detected
-314 Save/recall memory lost; due to firmware revision change
-314 Save/recall memory lost; memory corruption detected
-313 Calibration memory lost
-313 Calibration memory lost; due to firmware revision change
-313 Cannot read file; due to corrupt data
-313 Cannot read file; due to file revision change
-313 Invalid number of channels for operation
-310 System error; internal software error
-310 System error; out of memory
-310 System error; software initialization failed
-292 Referenced name does not exist
-257 File name error;
Agilent 33500 Series Operating and Service Guide