Measure Commands
:MEASure:DEFine EWINdow,<ewind1pct>,<ewind2pct>
<ewind1pct> and <ewind2pct> are real floating-point numbers (rounded to the nearest
tenth) that specify an eye window as a percentage of the bit period unit interval. If one
source is specified, both parameters apply to that signal. If two sources are specified, the
measurement is from the first positive edge on source 1 to the second negative edge on
source 2. Source is specified either using MEASure:SOURce, or using the optional <source>
parameter when the DELTatime measurement is started.
:MEASure:DEFine RZEWindow, <%bit_rate>
Defines the width of an RZ eye window as a percentage of the bit rate.
:MEASure:DEFine THResholds,{{STANdard} | {PERCent,<upper_pct>,<middle_pct>,<lower_pct>} |
Where <upper_pct>, <middle_pct>, and <lower_pct> are integers ranging from –25 to 125.
<upper_units>, <middle_units>, and <lower_units> are real numbers specifying amplitude
:MEASure:DEFine TOPBase,{{STANdard} |{<top_volts>,<base_volts>}}
<top_volts> and <base_volts> are real numbers specifying voltage.
:MEASure:DEFine TREFerence,{TBASe | ONEZero}
Selects a threshold reference for use in risetime and falltime measurements. The threshold
reference can set to either V
and V
(TBASe) or the one and zero levels (ONEZero). Eye
mode is required and the :MEASure:DEFine command’s THResholds argument must
set to UNITs.
The TREFerence argument, requires software revision A.07.00 and above.
:MEASure:DEFine? {CGRade | DELTatime | EWINdow | RZEWindow | THResholds | TOPBase | TREFerence}
Returned Format
[:MEASure:DEFine] CGR {RZ | NRZ}
[:MEASure:DEFine] DELT, {<start edge_direction>,<start edge_number>,<start edge_position>,<stop
edge_direction>,<stop edge_number>,<stop edge_position>}<NL>
[:MEASure:DEFine] EWIN,<signal_type><NL>
[:MEASure:DEFine] RZAEW,<%bit_rate><NL>
[:MEASure:DEFine] THR {{STAN} | {PERcent,<upper_pct>,<middle_pct>,<lower_pct>} | {VOLTage,
[:MEASure:DEFine] TOPB {{STAN} |{<top_volts>,<base_volts>}}<NL>
[:MEASure:DEFine] TREF {TBASe | ONEZero}
Summary of Contents for 86100A
Page 18: ...1 14 Introduction Status Reporting Figure 1 4 Status Reporting Data Structures...
Page 19: ...1 15 Introduction Status Reporting Status Reporting Data Structures continued...
Page 94: ...2 40 Sample Programs BASIC Programming Examples...
Page 124: ...4 16 Root Level Commands VIEW...
Page 132: ...5 8 System Commands TIME...
Page 140: ...6 8 Acquire Commands SWAVeform RESet...
Page 152: ...7 12 Calibration Commands STATus...
Page 192: ...11 12 Display Commands SSAVer...
Page 202: ...12 10 Function Commands VERTical RANGe...
Page 203: ...13 AREA 13 2 DPRinter 13 2 FACTors 13 3 IMAGe 13 3 PRINters 13 4 Hardcopy Commands...
Page 316: ...21 12 TDR TDT Commands Rev A 05 00 and Below STIMulus...
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