TPU2000/2000R Modbus/Modbus Plus/ Modbus TCP/IP Automation Guide
Notes Address
IN3 Momentary
Physical Input 3 Change Detect Between Host Scan
IN2 Status
Physical Input 2 Status
IN2 Momentary
Physical Input 2 Change Detect Between Host Scan
IN1 Status
Physical Input 1 Status
IN1 Momentary
Physical Input 1 Change Detect Between Host Scan
4X Register Read Capabilities
The TPU2000/2000R implementation of 4X registers allow for both status reads and in limited cases for control
register writes. Many host devices do not allow the access of data from discrete data types (such as 0X and 1X
discrete output and input function codes). The Modbus implementation within the TPU2000/2000R relay allows
for Modbus commands 03, 16 (10 hex) and 23 (17 hex) register commands. Real time relay status is available for
the following relay data types and functionality:
Relay Status
Diagnostic Status
Unit Information
CT and PT Information
Physical Input Status
Logical Input Status
Physical Output Status
Logical Output Status
Load Metering Data
Demand Metering Data
Master Trip Functionality
Fault Record Buffering (1- 32)
Event Record Buffering (1- 128)
Breaker Counter Operation Retrieval
Force of Physical Outputs
Breaker Control Functions over the network
Reset of Counter, Event Buffer, Operational Buffer, Seal In and Target information.
Each function code and data type shall be explained in detail, within the following sections.
Modbus protocol allows a variety of information to be placed within the 4X register types. The interpretation of the
returned data is key to data received in the request. Modbus protocol is predicated upon register information
being returned. A register is 2 bytes, or 16 bits which translates into one word. Multiple words may be combined
to form a longer word which allows a larger read to obtained from the TPU2000/2000R. The TPU2000/2000R
supports the following data return types for 4X formats:
- 16 bits - 2 bytes – Range 0 to + 65,535
- 16 bits – 2 bytes - Range –32,768 to 32,767
Unsigned Long
- 32 bits - 4 bytes - Range 0 to +4,294,967,295
Signed Long
- 32 bits - 4 bytes - Range -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
- 16 bits – 2 bytes – 2 characters per register (Reference Appendix B)
The tables contained within this document reference the above definitions and give the cadence of bytes or words
Most Significant Byte
Least Significant Byte
Most Significant Word
Least Significant Word
Most signficant bit
Least significant bit
Summary of Contents for TPU2000
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