8. Setting of parameters
– WTS-300-E - V4.1 - 20.01.2022
Page 81
Section 8.3
: Level “Extended cooling parameters” (P parameters)
“Milk decanting function” for buffer tanks
With the decanting function, it is possible to use the rinsing pump (at the
same time the milk pump) or via a switching valve to fill milk into another
tank. Decanting can only be started in OFF mode using an external button
on the digital input.
Start decanting function =>
via dig. input signal of approx. 5 seconds
parameter [A21-A33] = 22
End decanting function =>
- via external float switch
parameter [A21-A33] = 23
parameter [P36] = 1 or 2
- or time-controlled
parameter [P36] = 3
- or via internal level input
parameter [P36] = 4
P36 Setting milk decanting function
0 .. 4
0: Deactivated
1*: End level-controlled "high-active" via external float switch at digital
input (if there is a signal, pumping is stopped))
2*: End level-controlled "low-active" via external float switch at digital input
(if there is no signal, pumping is stopped)
3: End time-controlled (pumping time = [P37])
4*: End level input 2
(if electrode no longer detects milk, pumping is stopped.)
* with Timeout [P37]
P37 Maximum pumping time or Timeout
1,0..50,0 min.
P38 possibilities premature stop decanting
function and AUTOSTART cleaning
0 .. 3
with premature stop option
0:* - premature stop possible by repeated pressing of the
external button
- no Autostart of the cleaning after successful decanting
1:* - premature stop possible by repeated pressing of the
external button
- Autostart of the cleaning (after successful decanting)
without premature stop option
2: - no premature stop possible
- no Autostart of the cleaning after successful decanting
3: - no premature stop possible
- Autostart of the cleaning (after successful decanting)
* Parameter [A21..A33] must be parameterized to 22
(decanting function start button).