CANopen Master and Slave 241
750-8215 PFC200; G2; 4ETH CAN USB
Version 1.2.0, valid from FW Version 03.02.02(14)
0x1016h Consumer Heartbeat Time
This entry can be used for monitoring of other devices on the bus. A check is
made to determine whether each module defined in this object has generated a
heartbeat within the set time. If the set time has been exceeded, a heartbeat
event is triggered. The "Heartbeat Time" is entered in milliseconds. If the time is
0, monitoring is deactivated. The number of devices to be monitored is entered in
index 0, the heartbeat time is entered in ms in the bottom 16 bits and the ID of
the bus device in the 8 bits above that.
Index 0: 0 (currently still 127 = Number of possible entries)
All other entries are 0 (this function is not yet supported by the CAN master in
Firmware 1.0).
0x1017h Producer Heartbeat Time
This object defines the time (in milliseconds) between two transmitted heartbeat
messages. No heartbeat is sent if the time is set to 0.
Default: 0
0x1200, 0x1201 Server SDO Parameter Channels
The communication parameters for an SDO as the server are entered here. Two
server SDO channels are supported.
0x1280 … 0x128E Client SDO Parameter Channels
The communication parameters for an SDO transfer as the client are entered
here. 16 client SDO channels are supported.