240 CANopen Master and Slave
750-8215 PFC200; G2; 4ETH CAN USB
Version 1.2.0, valid from FW Version 03.02.02(14)
0x1009 Manufacturer Hardware Version
Entry: “V 1.0” or higher
0x100A Manufacturer Software Version
Entry: “V 1.00” or higher
0x100C Node Guarding Time
The object specifies the “Guarding Time” in milliseconds. An NMT master
requests the state of the NMT slave in a cyclical manner. The time between two
requests is the “Guarding Time.”
Default: 0 (Node guarding disabled)
0x100D Life Time Factor
The “Life Time Factor” is part of the node guarding protocol. The NMT slave
checks whether it was queried within the node lifetime (guarding time multiplied
by the lifetime factor). If not, the slave must assume that the NMT master is no
longer in normal operation; it then initiates a “life guarding event”.
Default: 0 (Node guarding off)
0x1012h COB-ID Time Stamp Object
The time stamp object enables every device's clock on the bus to be
synchronized. The ID for this object is indicated here. Although the
synchronization signal is not evaluated by the runtime, it may be used with library
Default: 0x100 (Time Stamp Consumer)
0x1014h Emergency COB ID
An emergency message is transmitted in the event of CANopen device errors.
The ID for this object is indicated here.
Default: 0x80 + Device ID
0x1015h Emergency Inhibit Time
This object specifies the minimum time that must elapse before another
emergency object is sent. An entry equal to zero disables delayed sending. One
time unit amounts to 100µs.
Default: 0