750-8215 PFC200; G2; 4ETH CAN USB
Version 1.2.0, valid from FW Version 03.02.02(14)
Check firmware version and update if required!
At the beginning of initial configuration check to ensure that you have the latest
firmware version for the controller.
The firmware version installed on the controller is given on the WBM page
“Status Information”, or in the CBM menu “Information” under “Controller Details”.
Perform an update to install the latest firmware version.
To do this, follow the instructions given in section “Service” > “Firmware
Changes” > “Perform Firmware Upgrade”.
The following methods are available for configuring the controller:
Access to the Web-based management system via the PC using a web
browser (section “Configuration Using Web-Based Management [WBM]”)
Access to the “Console-Based Management” tool via the PC using a
terminal program (section “Configuration Using a Terminal Program
Access via the PLC program CODESYS using the
“WagoAppConfigTool.lib” library.
Access via the PC using “WAGO Ethernet Settings” (section “Configuration
Using ‘WAGO Ethernet Settings’”).
The CBM is basically for the initial configuration and startup of the controller.
Therefore, it only provides a subset of the WBM parameters. For example,
parameters that cannot be displayed in a terminal window in a reasonable way
and are not necessary for initial startup are not displayed. You can find the
explanations of the paramete
rs starting with the section “‘Information’ Page.”