u-blox ZED-F9P Interface Description - Manual
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responds with the same message with the payload populated.
5.6 UBX Class IDs
A class is a grouping of messages which are related to each other. The following table lists all the current
message classes.
Navigation Results Messages: Position, Speed, Time, Acceleration, Heading, DOP, SVs used
Receiver Manager Messages: Satellite Status, RTC Status
Information Messages: Printf-Style Messages, with IDs such as Error, Warning, Notice
Ack/Nak Messages: Acknowledge or Reject messages to UBX-CFG input messages
Configuration Input Messages: Set Dynamic Model, Set DOP Mask, Set Baud Rate, etc.
Firmware Update Messages: Memory/Flash erase/write, Reboot, Flash identification, etc.
Monitoring Messages: Communication Status, CPU Load, Stack Usage, Task Status
Timing Messages: Time Pulse Output, Time Mark Results
Multiple GNSS Assistance Messages: Assistance data for various GNSS
Logging Messages: Log creation, deletion, info and retrieval
Security Feature Messages
All remaining class IDs are reserved.
UBX-18010854 - R04
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