u-blox ZED-F9P Interface Description - Manual
Advance Information
Bitfield flags
This graphic explains the bits of
If set enable time pulse; if pin assigned to another function, other function takes precedence.
Must be set for FTS variant.
If set synchronize time pulse to GNSS as soon as GNSS time is valid. If not set, or before GNSS time is valid use
local clock.
This flag is ignored by the FTS product variant; in this case the receiver always locks to the best available
time/frequency reference (which is not necessarily GNSS).
If set the receiver switches between the timepulse settings given by 'freqPeriodLocked' & 'pulseLenLocked' and
those given by 'freqPeriod' & 'pulseLen'. The 'Locked' settings are used where the receiver has an accurate sense
of time. For non-FTS products, this occurs when GNSS solution with a reliable time is available, but for FTS
products the setting syncMode field governs behavior. In all cases, the receiver only uses 'freqPeriod' & 'pulseLen'
when the flag is unset.
If set 'freqPeriodLock' and 'freqPeriod' are interpreted as frequency, otherwise interpreted as period.
If set 'pulseLenRatioLock' and 'pulseLenRatio' interpreted as pulse length, otherwise interpreted as duty cycle.
Align pulse to top of second (period time must be integer fraction of 1s).
Also set 'lockGnssFreq' to use this feature.
This flag is ignored by the FTS product variant; it is assumed to be always set (as is lockGnssFreq). Set maxSlewRate
and maxPhaseCorrRate fields of
to 0 to disable alignment.
Pulse polarity:
0: falling edge at top of second
1: rising edge at top of second
Timegrid to use:
0: UTC
1: GPS
3: BeiDou
4: Galileo
This flag is only relevant if 'lockGnssFreq' and 'alignToTow' are set.
Note that configured GNSS time is estimated by the receiver if locked to any GNSS system. If the receiver has a
valid GNSS fix it will attempt to steer the TP to the specified time grid even if the specified time is not based on
information from the constellation's satellites. To ensure timing based purely on a given GNSS, restrict the
supported constellations in
UBX-18010854 - R04
Advance Information
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