S e c t i o n 5 : P r o g r a m m i n g
OFF: zones are not enabled for zone follower operation.
[011] PGM Configuration Options
This section is used to configure PGM types that offer multiple
[001]-[164] Select PGM
The following options may be selected for each PGM:
Zone Follow PGM By Zone
This option is used to specify the zone that PGM type 200 follows.
Enter 000-128 to select zone 1-128.
Proximity Tag Used
This option is used to define which proximity tag will activate PGM
outputs programmed as [165] Prox Used. Enter 000 to enable this
PGM attribute for all user proximity tags, or enter user number 002-
095 to have this attribute activated by a specific user proximity tag.
Command Output 1-4
This option is used to assign a schedule, programmed in section
[601]-[604], for the command output PGMs to follow.
[012] System Lockout
Keypad Lockout – Number of Invalid Local Attempts
This option controls the number of invalid access code entries
allowed before the keypad is locked.
When keypad lockout occurs, the system is inaccessible by keypad
for the programmed duration. If the number of invalid attempts is not
reached within one hour, or if a valid access code is entered, the
counter is reset to 0. Valid entries are 000 to 255 minutes. Entering
000 disables the feature. Presenting an invalid tag counts toward key-
pad lockout.
Keypad Lockout Duration
This programming option determines the length of time the keypad is
locked out for. If the system cold starts while in keypad lockout, the
lockout is removed. Valid entries are 000 to 255 minutes. Entering
000 disables keypad lockout.
Remote Lockout DLS
This programming option determines the number of invalid access
code entries allowed via SMS or DLS before remote access is locked
out for the programmed duration (see below). If the number of
invalid attempts is not reached within one hour, or if a valid access
code is entered through SMS or DLS, the counter is reset to 0. The
valid entries are 003 to 255 attempts. Default is 6 attempts.
DLS tries to connect using the programmed DLS Access
code first and, if unsuccessful, using the default DLS access code.
Two failed attempts are counted if both codes are incorrect.
Remote Lockout Duration
This programming option determines how long the remote lockout
lasts for. If the system cold starts while in remote lockout, the lockout
restarts for the programmed duration. Valid entries are 001 to 255
minutes. Entering 000 disables remote lockout.
5.3.7 System Options
[013] System Option 1
1 – NC Loop/EOL
ON: All zones are wired as normally closed circuits with returns con-
nected to a COM terminal. The end-of-line resistor is not required.
An alarm is generated when the circuit is opened.
All zones must be wired with an end-of-line resistor configura-
tion, determined by option 2 below.
The valid EOL value is 5600 Ohms (5.6K
ON: All zones use Double-End-of-Line resistors, except Standard
Fire, Delayed Fire, Auto-Verified Fire, Co and Supervisory zone
types. DEOL resistors enable detection of zone faults and tampers.
The tamper resistor (5.6K
) is placed in parallel across the alarm
activating device, and the single EOL resistor (5.6K
) is placed
between the alarm and tamper contacts.
This allows detection of zone faults (shorted zone), tampers (open
zone), alarms (11.2K
), and restored zones (5.6K
If the zone is disarmed and placed in the tamper or fault state, trouble
beeps sound on all system keypads until a key is pressed on each par-
tition. A zone tamper is sent to the monitoring station if programmed.
If the zone is armed and a tamper is activated, the tamper alarm and
zone alarm are logged and transmitted.
All zones must have a 5.6K
resistor. If the zone is shorted or
open, it is in the tripped state. If the zone is open and programmed as
a fire zone, it is in the trouble state. The EOL and DEOL zone attri-
butes override this system option.
Zone Faults (Supervisories) on wireless zones do not cause
an audible alarm while armed.
3 – Show All Troubles When Armed
The Trouble LED illuminates when troubles are present on the
system in both the armed and disarmed state.
The Trouble LED illuminates for all troubles while disarmed,
but only for Fire Troubles while armed.
4 – Tamper/Faults Do Not Show As Open
ON: The zone LED does not illuminate if the zone is in the tamper or
fault states. Only the Trouble LED illuminates.
OFF: The respective zone LED illuminates if the zone is in the tam-
per or fault states. The Trouble LED also illuminates.
5 – Auto-Arm Schedule in [*][6]
ON: The auto-arm schedules ([151] - [158]) are accessible to install-
ers via [*][6] as well as Installer Programming.
OFF: The auto-arm schedules ([151] - [158]) are only accessible to
installers via Installer Programming.
This toggle controls access for all eight partitions.
6 – Audible Exit Fault
ON: If a delay type zone is violated after the exit delay has expired,
an entry delay warning is sounded through the keypad and siren indi-
cating that an improper exit was made. If the alarm system is dis-
armed within the entry delay period no signal is sent.
OFF: The entry delay warning is sounded only through the keypad.
7 – Event Buffer Follows Swinger
ON: Once an event reaches its swinger shutdown limit programmed
in section [377] Communication Variables on page 47, it will no lon-
ger log events to the event buffer until the swinger shutdown is reset.
This avoids filling the event buffer with false events.
The event buffer continues to log events to the buffer even after
the event has gone into swinger shutdown.
8 – Temporal Three Fire Signaling
All fire bells sound in the temporal three pattern. Cadence is as
follows: (500ms ON, 500ms OFF, 500ms ON, 500ms OFF, 500ms
ON, 1.5 sec. OFF).
All fire bells will sound with the standard 1 second on/1 second
off fire bell cadence.
Must be on for UL/ULC installations.