S e c t i o n 5 : P r o g r a m m i n g
Example: For the 4-digit account number ‘4032’, enter [4] [*] [1] [*]
[3], [0].
[4] to enter the digit 4
[*] to enter Hexadecimal mode (Ready light flashes)
[1] to enter A
[*] to return to decimal mode (Ready light is solid)
[3] to enter the digit 3
[2] to enter the digit 2
5.3 Programming Descriptions
This section provides descriptions of all alarm controller options pro-
grammable by the installer.
5.3.1 Adding Labels
[000] Label Programming
Zone and other labels on the alarm system can be customized.
Program labels locally or download/upload using DLS and Connect
24 interactive software. Local label programming is done via a sys-
tem keypad, as described below.
[000] Language Selection
(LCD keypads only)
Use this section to set the language displayed by LCD keypads. To
select a language:
Enter Installer Programming: [*][8][Installer Code].
Enter programming section [000]>[000].
Key in the 2-digit number corresponding to the language
required. See below:
[001][001]-[128] Zone Labels
Customized labels can be created for each available zone. Labels can
be programmed at the keypad or downloaded/uploaded using DLS
and Connect 24 interactive software. The maximum label size is 14 x
2 ASCII characters.
Manual Labels
The following procedure describes how to add zone labels using the
LCD keypad:
Enter Installer Programming: [*][8][Installer Code].
Press [*], scroll to Zone Labels and press [*] again.The first
zone is displayed. Alternately, press [000][001].
Scroll to the zone label to be programmed or key in the zone
number. (e.g., 001 for zone label 1).
Scroll to the desired character’s location using the[<] [>] keys.
Enter the number of the corresponding character group until the
desired character is displayed (see table below).
Example: Press the “2” key 3 times to enter the letter “
Press the “2” key 4 times to enter the number “
To delete a character, use the [<] [>] keys to move the cursor
under the character, then press [0].
If any key other than [<] or [>] is pressed before [0], the cursor
moves one space to the right and deletes that character.
Press [#] to save the changes and exit.
Zone Label Options
To access zone label options such as using ASCII characters, chang-
ing letter case and clearing the display, press [*] while in Zone Label
programming. The Select Option menu is displayed. Use the [<] [>]
keys to access the following options:
Word Library
The Word Library is a database of words commonly used when pro-
gramming labels. Individual words can be combined as needed (e.g.,
Front + Door). Words that do not fit on the first line are automatically
moved to the bottom line.
To program a custom label using the Word Library:
Enter Installer Programming: [*][8][Installer Code].
Press [*], scroll to Zone Labels and press [*] again.The first
zone is displayed. Alternately, press [000][001].
Scroll to the zone label to be programmed or key in the zone
number (e.g., 001 for zone label 1).
Press [*] to open the Select Option menu.
Press [*] again to select the Word Entry option.
Enter the 3-digit number corresponding to a word (see Appen-
dix B: Word Library on page 104) or use the scroll keys [<][>]
to view words in the library.
Press [*] to select the word.
To add another word, repeat the above procedure from step 4.
To add a space, press the right scroll key [>].
10. To clear characters, select Clear to End or Clear Display from
the Select Options menu.
To save the current label, press [#] to exit label programming.
01 = English
11 = Swedish
22 = Bulgarian
02 = Spanish
12 = Norwegian
23 = Latvian
03 = Portuguese
13 = Danish
24 = Lithuanian
04 = French
14 = Hebrew
25 = Ukrainian
05 = Italian
15 = Greek
26 = Slovakian
06 = Dutch
16 = Turkish
27 = Serbian
07 = Polish
18 = Croatian
28 = Estonian
08 = Czech
19 = Hungarian
29 = Slovenian
09 = Finnish
20 = Romanian
10 = German
21 = Russian
To Select/Display
[ESCAPE] (note: exits without saving label)
[A], [B], [C], [1]
[D], [E], [F], [2]
[G], [H], [I], [3]
[J], [K], [L], [4]
[M], [N], [O], [5]
[P], [Q], [R], [6]
[S], [T], [U], [7]
[V], [W], [X], [8]
[Y], [Z], [9], [0]
Provides access to the Word Library, a collec-
tion of words commonly used when program-
ming labels. See below for details.
Used to access uncommon characters or as a
primary method for programming labels. 255
character entries are available. Use the [<] [>]
keys to scroll through the characters or enter a
3-digit number from 000-255. Press [*] to
select a character. See page 114 for available
ASCII characters.
This option toggles the letter between upper
case (A, B, C) and lower case (a, b, c).
CLEAR TO END This option clears the display from the cursor to
the end of the display.
CLEAR DISPLAY This option clears all characters.
Saves the new label.