S e c t i o n 5 : P r o g r a m m i n g
[002] – Communication Delays
Transmission Delay (seconds)
This value defines the delay before an alarm is transmitted.
The delay is for zones which have the Transmission Delay attribute
enabled. Valid entries are from 000 to 255 seconds (0-45 seconds for
CP-01). Each partition shares the same active timer. If the delay is
already active due to an alarm on a different partition, any new activ-
ity on another partition does not restart the communications delay
Burglary verified events are postponed until after the transmission
delay expires. When a valid disarming procedure is used while the
transmission delay is active, a communications canceled message is
briefly displayed on the keypad when the delay is canceled.
For UL/ULC listed installations, the entry delay plus communication
delay cannot exceed 45 seconds.
AC Failure Communication Delay (minutes or hours)
This value determines the delay before an AC failure or AC restore is
reported. The AC failure or restore is still displayed immediately.
Valid entries are from 000 to 255 minutes/hours (max. 180 minutes
for UL commercial installations). Selection of minutes or hours for
the delay is set in section [382] Communicator Option 3 on page 49.
If AC Failure Communications Delay is programmed as
000, the AC Failure Trouble reporting code is sent immediately.
For ULC commercial fire monitoring, the setting shall be
180 minutes.
TLM Trouble Delay
Use this section to program the number of valid checks (3 second
intervals) required before a telephone line trouble is generated. Valid
entries are 000-255 for trouble annunciation and transmission delays
of 3 to 765 Seconds (12.75 Minutes).
Wireless Zone Low Battery Transmission Delay (in days)
When a zone reports a low battery condition, the trouble is indicated
immediately on the keypad, but the transmission to the monitoring
station is delayed by the number of days programmed in this section.
If the low battery condition is not corrected before the delay expires,
the low battery condition is transmitted. The Low Battery Restore
transmission is not delayed.
Delinquency Transmission Delay
The value in this section determines the period of time before a delin-
quency event is generated.
Delinquency delay is measured in days if using closing delinquency
or hours if using activity delinquency as programmed in section [311]
option 6. Valid entries are [001]-[255] or [000] to disable.
Communications Cancel Window
After the transmission Delay expires and a zone alarm is transmitted,
the communications cancel window begins.
If an access code is entered during this window, a reporting code is
communicated and logged. If the window expires without an access
code entry or a code is entered after the window, the communications
canceled event is not logged or communicated.
The cancel window does not start after an [F][M][P] key
[003] – Periodic Test Transmission Cycle
This value determines the period between test transmissions. Valid
entries are [000]-[255]. Whether this interval is in hours or days is
determined by section [022], option 4.
For UL/ULC listed installations, the test interval is 24 hours.
[004] – Periodic Test Transmission Time of Day
Enter a 4-digit time using the 24-hour clock format (HH:MM).
Valid entries are from 00 to 23 for the hours (HH) and 00 to 59 for the
minutes (MM).
To disable the test transmission time of day, enter [9999] in this sec-
This time should not be set for the same time as Day Light
Savings time.
[011] – Maximum Dialing Attempts
This section is used to program the number of dialing attempts made
to each telephone number when communicating. Valid entries are
For UL/ULC listed installations, this value must be set to 005.
[012] – Delay Between PSTN Attempts
This programmable timer adds a delay before the next call is
attempted over PSTN. Valid entries are 000-255, with a default of 3
seconds (making a total of 8 seconds: 3-second delay + standard 5-
second dial tone search).
[013] – Delay Between Force Attempts
This programming option is used to set the length of time the alarm
system waits between the first dialing attempt and the force dial
Valid Entries are 001-255 seconds. Default is 020.
[014] – Post Dial Wait for Handshake
This option is used to program the length of time the communicator
waits for a valid initial handshake from the receiver after dialing the
programmed telephone number. Valid entries are 001 to 255 seconds.
Maximum 45 seconds for UL installations.
[015] – T-Link Wait for Ack
This option is used to program the length of time the communicator
waits for an acknowledge after transmitting via IP/GS. Valid entries
are 001 to 255. Default is 60 seconds.
[016] – IP/Cellular Fault Check Timer
This section is used to program the number of poll commands sent
without valid poll responses before the alarm system generates a
trouble condition. The checks occur at 3-second intervals.
Valid entries are 003-255 for trouble annunciation and transmission.
The trouble restore is not delayed.
[380] Communicator Option 1
1 – Communications Enabled/Disabled
ON: (Default) The system communicator is enabled and all events
with reporting codes are reported to the monitoring station. Refer to
the Telephone Number, Reporting Code and Call Direction program-
ming sections.
OFF: The system communicator is disabled and no events are
reported to the monitoring station.
Disabling the communicator clears all FTC troubles.
2 – Restore On Bell Timeout
ON: Zone restore reporting codes are not transmitted until the zone
has been restored and the bell timeout has expired. If the zone is not
restored when the bell cut-off time expires, the restore is transmitted
when the zone physically restores or when the system is disarmed.
24-hour zones will not restore until the zone is physically
OFF: Zone restore reporting codes are transmitted when the zone is
physically restored. If zones are still active when the system is dis-
armed, the restore codes are transmitted when the system is dis-