S e c t i o n 5 : P r o g r a m m i n g
3 – Pulse Dialing
ON: The alarm system dials telephone numbers using pulse (rotary)
OFF: The alarm system dials telephone numbers using DTMF (dual
tone multi-frequency) touch-tone dialing.
4 – Pulse Dial after 5th Attempt
ON: If DTMF dialing is enabled, the alarm system dials telephone
numbers using DTMF dialing for the first 4 attempts. If unsuccessful,
the alarm system switches to pulse (rotary) dialing for the remaining
OFF: If DTMF dialing is enabled, the alarm system dials telephone
numbers using DTMF dialing for all dialing attempts.
5 – Parallel Communications
ON: Parallel communications is enabled. The alarm system attempts
to communicate through all available receivers at the same time.
Once acknowledgment is provided by any of the receivers, the alarm
system communicates the next event. If more than one receiver is
configured for PSTN, the backup procedure described below is fol-
OFF: Parallel communications is disabled. If receiver 1 fails, the
alarm system attempts to communicate with the next available
receiver (2-4) in sequence.
See [384] Communicator Backup Options on page 50 for
communicator backup programming.
6 – Alternate Dial
ON: After each failed dialing attempt, the communicator switches to
the next backup receiver in the sequence:
Receiver 2 backs up Receiver 1
Receiver 3 backs up Receiver 2
Receiver 4 backs up Receiver 3
This continues until communication is successful or the sequence has
been repeated 5 times (depending on the number of maximum dialing
attempts). If all 5 attempts fail, an FTC trouble for the primary phone
number is logged. All backup receivers automatically use the same
call directions and format as the primary receiver.
OFF: After 5 failed attempts to communicate with the primary
receiver, the communicator switches to the next backup receiver in
the sequence and makes up to 5 more attempts. This continues until
communication is successful or until all backup receivers fail, at
which point an FTC trouble for the primary number is logged.
7 – Reduced Dialing Attempts
ON: If a TLM trouble is present, the alarm system immediately
attempts to call the backup receiver. This option only applies to
PSTN. Backup communications must be enabled. See option 5, Par-
allel Communications.
A minimum of two receivers should be enabled for this feature to
operate as intended.
OFF: If a TLM trouble is present, the number of dialing attempts pro-
grammed shall be attempted before moving on to the backup
8 – Activity Delinquency
ON: Inactivity on a partition for a programmed duration (section
[377] option 002, Delinquency Transmission Delay) transmits a
Delinquency code to the central station. This option is designed to
help monitor the elderly or disabled. The counter is reset if zone
activity is detected or if the system is armed. The Delinquency Trans-
mission Delay is in hours.
Delinquency code is not transmitted while Away armed.
Activity on bypassed zones does not affect this timer.
OFF: The Delinquency reporting code is sent when the programmed
number of days for delinquency (section [377]) expires without the
partition being Armed. Once the code is sent, the timer is not started
again until the partition has been armed. Each day programmed in the
counter represents one day plus the time it takes for the partition to
reach midnight. To disable this feature, program 000 in section
[377]>[002] option 5.
[381] Communicator Option 2
1 – Keypad Ringback
ON: When the Opening After Alarm reporting code is successfully
transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the keypad emits a
series of 8 beeps to confirm to the occupant that the code was sent
and received. Ringback occurs for each successfully reported Open-
ing After Alarm code.
OFF: When the Opening After Alarm reporting code is successfully
transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the keypad does not
sound ringback.
2 – Bell Ringback
ON: When the Opening After Alarm reporting code is successfully
transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the siren emits a
series of 8 squawks to confirm to the occupant that the code was sent
and received. Ringback occurs for each successfully reported Open-
ing After Alarm code.
OFF: When the Opening After Alarm reporting code is successfully
transmitted to a programmed telephone number, the siren does not
sound ringback.
4 – Closing Confirmation Enabled/Disabled
ON: When a Closing reporting code is successfully transmitted to a
programmed telephone number, the keypad emits a series of 8 beeps
to confirm to the occupant that the Closing Code was sent and
OFF: No keypad ringback is generated when a Closing reporting
code is successfully transmitted.
8 – Communications Priority Enabled/Disabled
ON: Events follow the priority level indicated in ULC-S559 stan-
Concurrent event communications are prioritized in the following
order (highest to lowest priority):
Fire Alarms
CO Alarm
Fire Supervisories
Fire Trouble
Monitoring (Medical, Panic or Security)
All others such as restorals for fire alarms, supervisories, trou-
bles and monitoring.
FTC'ed events
OFF: Events are communicated in the order they occur.
Must be ON for ULC commercial fire monitoring listed
[382] Communicator Option 3
1 – Not Used
2 – Walk Test Communications
ON: Zone alarms that occur during Walk Test are communicated if
programmed to do so.
OFF: Zone alarms during Walk Test are not communicated. FMP key
alarms are still communicated.
4 – Call Waiting Cancel
ON: The call waiting cancel string (page 43) is used on the first
attempt to dial each phone number. It is not used on any further dial-
ing attempts.
OFF: The call waiting cancel string is not dialed.