S e c t i o n 4 : S y s t e m O p e r a t i o n
Keypad: [*][6][master code] + 12
This function is used to change the brightness level of keypad display
backlighting. Use the scroll keys to increase and decrease brightness
or enter a value from 00 to 15. Selecting 00 turns off keypad back-
Contrast Control
Menu: [*][6][master code] > Contrast
Keypad: [*][6][master code] + 13
This function is used to change the contrast level of keypad displays.
Use the scroll keys to increase and decrease contrast or enter a value
from 00 to 15. Selecting 00 turns off keypad contrast.
Buzzer Control
Menu: [*][6][master code] > Buzzer Control
Keypad: [*][6][master code] + 14
This function is used to change the volume level of keypad buzzers.
Use the scroll keys (LCD keypads) or the [*] key (LED/ICON key-
pads) to increase and decrease volume or key in a value from 00 to
15. Selecting 00 turns off the keypad buzzer.
For UL/ULC listed installations, do not turn off the keypad
Authorize Firmware Update
Menu: [*][6][master code] > Authorize Update
Keypad: [*][6][master code] + 17
This function is used to give authorization to the system to start the
firmware upgrade process after all firmware upgrade files for the
keypads, HSM2HOST, control panel and alternate communicator
have been fully downloaded.
Once this option is activated, the keypads and system automatically
exit [*][6] and indicate that the firmware update is in progress.
4.7.7 [*][7] Command Outputs 1-4
Menu: [*][7][master code if required] > Output Control
Keypad: [*][7][master code if required]
This option is used to activate or deactivate command outputs 1 to 4
for each partition.
Using an LCD keypad:
Press [*][7] to enter Output Control mode.
Scroll to an output and press [*] to select it, or key in a PGM
number. The output is toggled on or off.
Using an LED/ICON keypad:
Press [*][7] to enter Output Control mode.
Key in a command output number. The output is toggled on or
If no command outputs are programmed this function is not
available. Other programming options that may effect this user function:
[009] PGM Types, options 121-124 – Command Outputs 1-4 on page
4.7.8 [*][8] Installer Programming
Use this option to place the alarm system in Installer Programming
mode. Installer Programming is used to manually program alarm
panel and module options. An installer’s code is required to access
this function.
Installer Programming is exited automatically after 20 minutes of
When viewing data in sections with an LCD keypad, use the [<] and
[>] keys to scroll.
Other programming options that may effect this user function:
[990] Installer Lockout Enable/Disable on page 54.
4.7.9 [*][9] No-Entry Arming
This function is used to arm the alarm system while occupants are on
the premises. Pressing [*][9] and then keying in an access code arms
the panel without an entry delay on delay type zones and bypasses
stay/away and night type zones.
After the exit delay, delay 1 and delay 2 type zones behave the same
as instant zones. Stay/away zones remain bypassed. The entry delay
can be activated or deactivated at any time while the system is armed
using [*][9].
If the alarm system is armed using [*][9], disarming is only pos-
sible from a keypad inside the premises unless a wireless key is used.
Entry of a valid access code is required following this key only
when the system is disarmed. When armed, if programming section
[015] option 4 (Quick Arming/Function Key) is off, an access code entry
is required.
Global delay zones always have an entry delay, even if the system is
armed using [*][9].
4.7.10 [*][0] Quick Arm/Exit
This feature operates differently depending on whether or not the
alarm system is armed or disarmed.
When disarmed:
Pressing [*][0] arms the alarm system without having to enter an
access code. This provides a fast method of arming for regular users
and allows users without an access code to arm the system.
The Quick Arm feature (section [015] option 4) must be enabled
in order for this function to operate as intended.
When armed:
This feature provides a means to exit the premises while the alarm
system is armed without having to disarm then rearm it.
Pressing [*][0] starts a 2-minute timer that enables any door pro-
grammed as a delay zone to be opened and closed once without trig-
gering an alarm.
If the door is not closed at the end of the exit window, the entry delay
sequence begins. Any additional activity on another zone triggers the
associated alarm or delay sequence.
4.8 SMS Command and Control
The user can perform certain functions on the alarm panel by remote
using SMS text messages. In addition, the system sends SMS mes-
sages to the user to confirm commands . SMS programming options
are accessed through programming section [851].
The security system only responds to SMS messages sent from desig-
nated phone numbers (programmed in section [851]>[311]-[342]).
For more information on SMS command and control, and for a com-
plete listing of communicator programming options, refer to the
alternate communicator installation manual.
4.8.1 SMS Command and Control Functions
The following alarm system functions are controllable via SMS:
Stay arm the system
Away arm the system
Night arm the system
Disarm the system
Activate/deactivate command output 1-4
System status request
Alarm memory request
Zone bypass
Zone unbypass
SMS text messages must be formatted as follows:
<function name><space><partition #><space><access code>
e.g., Stay Arm partition 1 1234
Once the command is received and executed by the alarm system, the
user receives a confirmation text message.