S e c t i o n 5 : P r o g r a m m i n g
[309] System Call Direction
Use this programming option to select the central station receivers
that system events are communicated to. A system event can be sent
to multiple receivers.
[001] Maintenance Events/Restores (all troubles
except tampers)
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for mainte-
nance events. To assign a maintenance event to a receiver, select
from the following list:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
[04] Receiver 4
[002] Test Transmissions
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for test trans-
mission events. To assign a test transmission event to a receiver,
select from the following list:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
[04] Receiver 4
[310] Account Codes
These programming sections are used to set the system and partition
account codes.
[000] System Account Code
The system account code is used to identify the alarm system when
communicating system events to the central station. The system
account code can be either 4 or 6 digits long. Program a 6-digit code
only when using the SIA reporting format. SIA uses this account
code for all partitions and system events. All other reporting formats
use a 4-digit system account code to report system maintenance (e.g.,
low battery, zone fault) and test transmission events. To program a 4-
digit code, add FF to the last two digits.
[001]-[008] Partition Account Codes
Use these sections to program account codes for each partition.
When using formats other than SIA, these account codes identify the
alarm system to the central station when communicating partition-
specific events.
The system will not communicate if the account code is not
programmed. When this condition occurs, Account Code Not Pro-
grammed is briefly displayed on the keypad when exiting Installer
Programming mode.
If no phone numbers are programmed, the error message
does not occur.
[311]-[318] Partition Call Directions
Use this programming option to select the central station receivers
that partition events are communicated to. Call directions can be pro-
grammed for each partition. Each event can be sent to one of four
[001] Alarm/ Restore
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for Partition
1-8 Alarm and Restore event reporting codes.
To assign an event to a receiver, select one of the following options:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
[04] Receiver 4
[002] Tampers (Including System Tampers)/ Restore
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for Partition
1-8 Tamper and Restore event reporting codes.
To assign an event to a receiver, select one of the following options:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
[04] Receiver 4
[003] Openings/ Closing
These options control which receiver paths are enabled for Partition
1-8 Opening and Closing event reporting codes. To assign an event to
a receiver, select one of the following options:
[01] Receiver 1
[02] Receiver 2
[03] Receiver 3
[04] Receiver 4
[350] Communicator Formats
Use this programming option to assign a communicator format to
each of the four receivers programmed in section [301]. The avail-
able communicator formats are as follows:
To assign a communications format, select a receiver (option [001]-
[004]) then enter the 2-digit code corresponding to the chosen for-
mat. For detailed descriptions of each format, see page 98.
[377] Communication Variables
[001] – Swinger Shutdown
This value defines the number of communication attempts made for
alarm/restore events, per zone, before the zone goes into swinger
shutdown. Valid entries are 000 to 014. For CP-01, entries are from
Once the programmed number of alarm/restore events have been
communicated, no further alarm/restore events for the zone are com-
municated until swinger shutdown is reset. The last restore event is
not communicated until swinger is cleared. For example, if the
swinger shutdown limit for zone alarms is set to [003], the cycle is as
follows: alarm/restore, alarm/restore, alarm...8 hours or arm/dis-
The bell output is not activated for alarms on zones that have
exceeded the swinger shutdown counter limit. Swinger shutdown on
global zones log once to the system area.
Swinger shutdown resets on all partitions when any partition
on the system is armed or disarmed, or every day at midnight. For
CP-01, swinger shutdown is restored after 8 hours of inactivity.
Once reset, the alarm system communicates normally.
The event buffer can follow swinger shutdown if enabled.
This value defines the number of times the same system tamper event
occurs before going into swinger shutdown. Valid entries are 000 to
Maintenance Troubles/Restores
This value defines the number of times the same system Maintenance
(trouble) type event occurs before going into swinger shutdown. Fire
troubles follow the Maintenance Swinger Shutdown variable.
DTMF Contact ID