Model 3480 Electrospray Aerosol Generator
T a b l e s
2-1 Electrospray Packing List ................................................. 2-1
3-1 Signal Connections for Analog Output Configurations ...... 3-5
4-1 Selected Proteins and Their Diameters.............................. 4-5
5-1 Maintenance Schedule...................................................... 5-1
5-2 Replacement Parts.......................................................... 5-19
6-1 Troubleshooting if the Electrospray Operation is
Unstable........................................................................ 6-2
6-2 Troubleshooting if the Capillary has Become Plugged ....... 6-3
A-1 Specifications of the Model 3480 Electrospray Aerosol
Generator ...................................................................... 8-1
B-1 Capillary Flow Characteristics for Water at 20
C .............. B-3
B-2 Midpoint Particle Diameters and Fraction of Total
Particle Concentration that C1, +2, +3, and
+4 Elementary Charges ................................................. B-6
B-3 Coefficients for Equation B-4............................................ B-7