Via the internal hard disk drive
Using the USB socket
This appliance can play MP3/WMA, JPEG files and
MPEG4 files on a USB memory stick or a USB card
reader or copy these files onto the hard disk.
The unit supports USB card readers
with up to four slots.
The model of your card reader deter-
mines which memory cards the unit can
Only compatible file types are dis-
Never disconnect the USB memory stick or
the card reader while they are communicat-
ing with the player (during playback, when
copying, etc.) as this may cause the player
to malfunction.
Keep the USB memory stick and mem-
ory cards out of the reach of children. If
swallowed, seek immediate medical as-
This unit only supports USB flash me-
mories with the file formats FAT16 or
USB memory sticks that require the in-
stallation of additional software for con-
nection to a computer are not sup-
This unit is compatible with flash USB
memory sticks that support USB 1.1.
Certain USB memory sticks or memory
cards are not supported by this unit.
Inserting/Removing a USB memory stick
Inserting a USB memory stick
Slide the stick into the slot until it engages.
Removing a USB memory stick
Carefully pull out the USB memory stick.
Using the USB memory stick
1. Insert the USB memory stick.
2. Press the USB button on the remote control and
then press PLAY
. Refer to page 38 for more de-
tails on the individual options.
Using a USB card reader
Connect the card reader to the USB socket. The de-
vice supports up to four cards, which can be selected
by pressing the USB button repeatedly.
Operating the USB card reader
1. Insert the memory card into the card reader.
2. Press the USB button on the remote control and
then select the card. If necessary, press the USB
button repeatedly.
3. Press the PLAY button
to open the file manager
(contents directory) for the card.
4. Refer to page 38 for a more detailed description
on how to operate the reader.
You can copy files from the USB socket to
the jukebox on the hard disk, not onto DVD.