HDW-750/750CE V1
Check Procedure
1. Video tracking check
(1) Set the switch S402/MDC-13 board (side B)
to ON.
Then D404 turns on and operation of the
TRACKING control knob is enabled.
(2) Play back the alignment tape HR2-1A (from
00 : 00 to 15 : 00).
(3) Check that the amplitude at the entrance and
exit does not become greater than the ampli-
tude at the center of envelope waveform
when the TRACKING control (RV401)/
MDC-13 board is rotated.
The amplitude at the entrance and exit become
greater than the amplitude at the center, per-
form the adjustment (drum entrance side or
drum exit side) of step 5 and higher.
(4) Rotate the TRACKING control so that the RF
envelope waveform is reduced to about 80%
of the maximum amplitude. Check at this time
that the RF waveform meets the specifications
1 to 3. If it does not meet the specifications of 1
to 3, perform the adjustment (drum entrance
side or drum exit side) of step 3 and higher.
2. Video tracking check at the respective
(1) Raise the unit from the horizontal posture to
the upright posture. Check that the RF
waveform meets the specifications 1 to 3
when the unit is raised from the horizontal
posture to the upright posture.
If it does not meet the specifications of 1 to 3,
perform the adjustment (drum entrance side
or drum exit side) of step 3 and higher.
(2) Return the unit to the horizontal posture.
Repeat switching of mode from EJECT state
to the PLAY state a few times. Check that the
RF waveform remains unchanged from the
amplitude in the PLAY state and also it meets
the specifications 1 to 3 when the unit is
returned from upright to horizontal posture. If
the RF waveform changes or it does not meet
the specifications of 1 to 3, perform the
adjustment (drum entrance side or drum exit
side) of step 3 and higher.
(3) Repeat the following switching of modes a
few times and then confirm that the specifica-
tions 1 to 3 are satisfied.
Mode is switched from the REV
3 state
to the PLAY state.
Mode is switched from the STOP state to
the PLAY state.
If the RF waveform changes or it does not
meet the specifications of 1 to 3, perform the
adjustment (drum entrance side or drum exit
side) of step 3 and higher.
How to enter the REV
3 mode
After pressing the PLAY button, press the
REW button.
(Both the PLAY and REW buttons on the
keyboard turn on.)
8-2. Tape Run System Adjustment
MDC-13 board
(side B)
RF max 100%
RF max 100%
Off the track to 80 %.
Off the track to 80 %.
Specification 1 :
Amplitude fluctuation of the entire waveform must be 20% or
less when the maximum amplitude of the RF waveform is
taken as 100%.
20% (RF max = 100%)
Specification 2 :
Amplitude fluctuation of each portion of the RF waveform must
be 10% or less when the maximum amplitude of the RF
waveform is taken as 100%.
10% (RF max = 100%)
Specification 3 :
Tape must run while keeping contact with the upper flange of
the S1 and T1 tape guides.
Amount of tape curl must be less than 1/10 of tape width.