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Version 06
3. Overview, functional description
Menu, Fig. 6
The control unit for the bypass valve has an
information display that provides informa-
tion on pressure conditions in the system.
After switch on the operating voltage, the
start screen appears for five seconds on the
information display.
Information on the inlets and the internal
pressure of the aerosol reservoir (tank) is
then displayed.
The process pressures are displayed only
after activation of the main air valve.
The pressure unit is “bar.”
A total of 4 displays can be accessed to ob-
tain the following information
by pressing function keys
F1 and F4:
Display 1
: Inlet pressure and aerosol res-
ervoir internal pressure in bar
Display 2
: Bar diagram of inlet pressure
and internal pressure in aerosol
Display 3
: Pressure difference between
inlet pressure and internal pres-
sure in aerosol reservoir
Display 4
: Set pressure values at which the
bypass valve is activated
You can move to the next view by pressing
the function key
returns to the previous view.