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Version 06
2. Lubricants
2. Lubricants
2.1 General information
Lubricants are used specially for specific
applications. To fulfill the task, lubricants
must meet various requirements to varying
degrees. The most important requirements
for lubricants are:
Reduction in friction and wear
Corrosion protection
Noise reduction
Protection against contamination/ingress
of foreign matter
Cooling (primarily for oils)
Durability (physical/chemical stability)
Compatible with as many materials as
Economic and environmental aspects
2.2 Selection of lubricants
SKF Lubrication Systems considers lubri-
cants to be an element of system design.
The selection of a suitable lubricant should
reasonably be made during the design of
the machine and forms the basis for plan-
ning the centralized lubrication system.
The manufacturer/operator of the machine
should preferably make the selection with
the supplier of the lubricant on the basis of
the requirements profile of the specific task.
If you have no or little experience selecting
lubricants for centralized lubrication sys-
tems, please contact SKF.
We gladly assist our customers in the selec-
tion of suitable components for feeding the
selected lubricant and in the planning and
design of a centralized lubrication system.
This will spare you potentially costly down-
time due to damage to the machine/system
and/or damage to the centralized lubrication
Only lubricants specified for the
product may be used (see “Tech-
nical data” chapter). Unsuitable
lubricants may lead to failure of
the product.
Do not mix lubricants. This can
have unpredictable effects on the
usability and this function of the
centralized lubrication system.