Access registration
Building Technologies
Fire Safety & Security Products
Access registration
Every SR35i is striving to receive all events in the system storing them in its event
buffer. I e events occurring in any part of the SiPass Entro system is mirrored
between the segment controllers.
Depending of how the configuring is done for each System users [
36] , the
registering, alarm reporting and graphical symbols will now be displayed according
to the selected filter. It is important that the storage location (directory) have been
defined for each System user.
Remember that all controllers will attempt to get all events for making further
decisions (filtering, alarm reports etc.)
Decide on PCs to retrieve events
When you create a System user, you must choose which PC to be his/hers
‘primary’ PC, where events only are stored for this System User. Also you have to
select which event filter and door filter to be used for this System User.
This means that if the same person using his/her level of authorization logs onto
another connection (PC) the events will NOT be stored on that computer. Read
more about using more than one PC and multi-user database in the description of
the system.
The PC must be ONLINE with the SiPass Entro system to receive any events!
In the section Door and event monitor [
46] you will find instructions on how to
start the monitoring program on your PC.