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Automatic disable of unused cards
When a card is unused for a selectable period of time, there is an automatic
function for disabling cards (similar to when three incorrect PIN are entered). The
System user only have to enable (or disable) the function and set the time
It is possible to set the cards to be blacklisted up to 255 weeks after the latest use
(one week resolution).
There are some rules applied for this function:
The timer for the person is cleared if a new PIN is chosen and when the
user/card performs a valid access.
The timers for all persons are cleared when the option to use this function is
If a cardholder is marked as a caretaker, the cardholders’ is not affected by this
If the network between SR35i’s is broken, no decision to disable cards is taken.
The disabling of a card generates an event in the system.
Any card set as a priority card, that has been inactivated by this function, will be
active locally in a door environment that are in the off-line condition (= no
communication between the SR35i and the door). See section Add persons to the
priority group [
35] .
Proceed as follows:
Open the Entro [
13] application.
Choose on the menu System > System settings.
Mark the tick-box for unused cards in the general tab to turn on the function.
Select the appropriate period, in weeks, how often the card holder list shall be
scanned for unused cards.
Reset automatically blacklisted card
A card disabled by this function is presented in the SiPass Entro application in the
same way as cards disabled by three wrong PIN (e.g. **Name).
When entering the edit mode of the cardholder, a dialogue box appears and
explains the reason for the disabling. You then have the choice of enabling the
card again or not.
If the cardholder has more than one
card – the name will be blacklisted and any
extra card has to be edited explicit for making it active again (there will be ** in front
of the unused extra card).