5.2.2 Programming
A long press on the occupancy button (> 3 seconds) enables the service level to be
accessed. When the parameter is selected, the current value blinks. The setting knob is
used to adjust the value. The next setting can be selected by a short press on the
occupancy button.
ru = 1
The room unit is addressed as room unit 1 (default setting)
ru = 2
The room unit is addressed as room unit 2
ru = 3
The room unit is addressed as room unit 3
Used as
P1 = 1
Automatic storage: (default setting)
A setpoint readjustment made with the knob is adopted either by pressing
the operating mode button or without any further confirmation (timeout).
P1 = 2
Storage with confirmation
A setpoint readjustment made with the knob is adopted only after pressing
the operating mode button.
Direct adjustment
P2 = 0
: All operating elements released (default setting)
P2 = 1
: Following operating elements are locked:
Operating mode changeover heating circuit
Readjustment of Comfort setpoint
Changeover of operating level (occupancy button)
Operation lock
If operation lock is active and one of the locked buttons is pressed, OFF is displayed for
3 seconds.
The operation lock does not prevent the service level from being accessed.
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
User manual RVS61.843, RVS41.813
HVAC Products
5 Handling
28. September 2009