9.1.2 Keyfobs in the VERSA / VERSA Plus / VERSA IP system
The functions which can be started using the keyfobs and the information that can be
presented on the LEDs are described in manuals for the VERSA / VERSA Plus / VERSA IP
control panels.
After a keyfob has been added, its settings will be configured automatically, based on the
user schedule. These settings can be modified (different functions can be assigned to the
buttons / combination of buttons and different information to the LEDs).
The user manual for VERSA / VERSA Plus / VERSA IP control panels describes the
procedures for adding and editing the user by means of the keypad, during which you can
add or remove the keyfob and program its settings.
Removing a keyfob only clears its serial number, but not its settings. If a new keyfob is
added to the user, it will have the same settings as the removed one.
You can remove all keyfobs, including their settings, by means of the “Rem.ABAX
kfbs” function available in the service mode in the keypad (
& exps.”
“8.Rem.ABAX kfbs”). Keyfob management using the DLOADX program
You can add and delete keyfobs in the “Versa – Structure” window, “Hardware” tab, after
clicking on the controller name in the list of devices, and then on the “Keyfobs” tab (Fig. 23).
Before making any changes, click on the “Read” button, and after making the changes – on
the “Write” button (the data relating to keyfobs are not read after clicking on the
or saved after clicking on the
button in the DLOADX program main menu).
Fig. 23. DLOADX
program: keyfob management when the controller is connected to VERSA /
VERSA Plus / VERSA IP control panel.