If you connect a controller to the INTEGRA 128-WRL control panel or a control panel to
which an ABAX / ABAX 2 controller is already connected, the APT-200 keyfobs data must be
unified. You can do it using:
DLOADX program – in the “Keyfobs ABAX” window, click on the “Read” button and,
immediately after the data are read, click on the “Write” button (after reading the data, you
must not make any changes),
LCD keyfob – use “Copy ABAX kfobs” function (service mode
“Copy ABAX kfobs”).
The controller does not support the APT-100 keyfobs.
Fig. 22. DLOADX
program: keyfob management when the controller is connected to
INTEGRA / INTEGRA Plus control panel.
Using the keyfob, the user can control up to 6 zones of the alarm system. These zones
should not exist physically and the wiring type programmed in them must be different from
“No detector” and “Follow output”.
You can select any type for these zones. Pressing
a keyfob button(s) will violate the zone.
After pressing any keyfob button (which do not have to control any system zone), information
about the state of three selected system outputs is indicated for a few seconds by the keyfob
LEDs. Thus you can get confirmation that the function has been executed or information on
the current system status. The outputs whose state is presented on the keyfob LEDs do not
have to exist physically.
You can indicate up to 8 outputs in the system which will be used to inform the keyfob users
(“Keyfobs ABAX” window in the DLOADX program or “ABAX confirmat.” function in the
LCD-keypad (service mode
“ABAX confirmat.”)).
For information on adding / removing keyfobs by means of the keypad please refer to the
control panel user manual.
Removing a keyfob only clears its serial number, but not its settings. If a new keyfob is
added to the user, it will have the same settings as the removed one.