Common Analysis and Display Functions
FSVA3000/ R&S
User Manual 1178.8520.02 ─ 01
The measurement settings are adapted to practical values based on a suitable
grid for the current settings, rather than to unwieldy values that reflect precisely the
pixel you happen to tap.
If the measurement zoom leads to undesirable results, you can easily return to the
original measurement settings using the "UNDO" function.
When you select the "Measurement Zoom" icon, then tap in a diagram, a dotted rect-
angle is displayed which you can drag to define the zoom area. This allows you to
define the zoom area more precisely than by spreading two fingers in the display.
The measurement zoom function provides further options in a context-sensitive menu,
which is displayed when you tap the icon for a second or so (or right-click it). These
options concern the behavior of the firmware for subsequent touch gestures on the
screen. Note that these settings remain unchanged after a channel preset.
Level Lock ← Measurement Zoom
If activated (default), the reference level (and thus the attenuation) is locked, that is:
remains unchanged during touch gestures on the screen.
X-Lock ← Measurement Zoom
If activated, the x-axis of the diagram is not changed during subsequent touch ges-
Y-Lock ← Measurement Zoom
If activated, the y-axis of the diagram is not changed during subsequent touch ges-
Adapt Measurement to Zoom (selected diagram) ← Measurement Zoom
If you already performed a graphical zoom using the
on page 421 functions, this function automatically adapts the measure-
ment settings to maintain the currently zoomed display.
Restore Original Display
Restores the original display, that is, the originally calculated displays for the entire
capture buffer, and closes all zoom windows.
This function only restores graphically zoomed displays. Measurement zooms,
for which measurement settings were adapted, are recalculated based on the adapted
measurement settings. In this case, the zoomed display is maintained.
Zoomed Displays