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Qsan Document – User Manual
Daily clone will be taken at every 00:00. Weekly clone will be taken every
Sunday 00:00. Monthly clone will be taken every first day of month 00:00.
Cloning Options
There are three clone options, described on the following.
Snapshot Space:
This setting is the ratio of the source virtual disk and snapshot space. If the
ratio sets to 2, it means when the clone process is starting, the system will book the free
RAID group space to set as the snapshot space which capacity is double the source virtual
disk automatically. The options are 0.5 ~ 3.
The setting will be effective after enabling schedule clone. The threshold will
monitor the usage amount of the snapshot space. When the used snapshot space achieves
the threshold, system will take a snapshot and start clone process automatically. The
purpose of threshold could prevent the incremental copy failure immediately when running